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This New Scam Targets Victims Over a Simple Text Message

Written by Peerless Tech Solutions | July 24, 2017

Cyber criminals are targeting victims through a text message scam called "smishing" that can infect your smartphone and let thieves steal your personal information.

This means they can steal social security numbers, addresses, and even credit card information, all through a simple text message you receive.

"It may say something like, $500 was just withdrawn from your bank account, did you do it? If not, call this phone number," Pierson Clair, senior director of cyber security and investigations at Kroll, told NBC News. "There are millions of these text messages sent out every single day targeting everybody from small children to grandmothers and everybody in between."

Hackers will send the smishing messages with a link or phone number. If you call or click, they'll then be able to harvest more data.

Americans lost $1.3 billion to cyber crime in 2016, according to the FBI. That number is expected to rise as criminals get craftier and go after unsuspecting victims in new ways.

"A phone is something you always have it on you, and you're moving quickly through life, you'll have taken your phone out and say, 'Oh no!' And you'll actively respond to it. And then they've got you."

There isn't a way to block scammers from sending smishing messages, so experts recommend being skeptical if you're not sure about a text.

Don't click the link or call the number. Instead, look at your bank's app independently and call a verified phone number. Finally, don't forget to delete suspicious texts.

If you want to learn more about ways to protect yourself from smishing, give us a call!