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How Can You Spot Phishing Scams?

Written by Peerless Tech Solutions | January 2, 2019

What Are Phishing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Phishing scams are an easy way for cyber criminals to trick the victim into downloading malware that infects their computer or providing sensitive information like passwords, usernames, personal information & more. Phishing scams often work by having the recipient download an email attachment or click a link to a malicious website. Once you click the link, download the attachment or provide sensitive information, you've given the cyber criminal exactly what they wanted.

The following tips will help you spot a phishing scam and avoid being a victim

  • Always hover over a link before you click it to make sure it's not redirecting you to a different site.
  • Use Firewalls which act as a buffer between you and cyber criminals to reduce the odds of them infiltrating your computer or network.
  • Never share personal or sensitive information over the internet.
  • Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Legitimate emails and websites do not generally have any mistakes.
  • Beware of emails that include "Urgent", "Account Suspended", "Security Alert" or "Unauthorized Login Attempt" in the subject line.
  • Never download email attachments from someone you don't know.

If you are the victim of a phishing scam, you should change all of your passwords immediately.