Peerless Post | Peerless Tech Solutions

Are Your Credentials For Sale on the Dark Web?

Written by Peerless Tech Solutions | February 26, 2019

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web is part of the World Wide Web that is not indexed by search engines and requires specific software, authorization or configuration to access. The Dark Web is accessed using Tor, Freenet and I2P which provide anonymity.

What is the Dark Web used for?

The Dark Web is generally used for illegal information, products and services. It is estimated that over 50% of all sites on the Dark Web are used for criminal activities. These criminal activities include the disclosure and sale of digital credentials like usernames and passwords. Credentials and other valuable information like financials and even social security numbers are often sold at high prices. It is also used to access hidden services where both the user and website itself have their anonymity protected.

How do criminals get your credentials?

When you use your email address on third party websites, it makes you vulnerable to a breach. Most people use the same passwords for multiple accounts which increases the potential damage when your credentials are compromised. If your login information is stolen from a social media account, but you use the same password on your bank account – criminals now have half of what they need to access your bank account and only need to figure out your username.

What can you do to protect your information?

  • Proactive monitoring allows you to detect and respond to threats immediately.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication on all your online accounts.
  • Use strong passwords, change your passwords often and use different passwords on every account.
  • Plan for a breach in advance and know exactly what steps to take if one of your accounts is compromised.
  • Run a Dark Web Scan to see if your information is already on the Dark Web. (We can one run for you for free, just reach out to us and we’d be happy to help!)

Do you know if your company's credentials are for sale on the Dark Web? We can tell you. If there are no compromised credentials, you will have peace of mind. If there are issues, we can help.